
Google Scholar Profile

Plumes, Mixing, & Dispersion

True, A.C., Larson, L.T., Pauls, A.K. , and Crimaldi, J.P.. (2024). Structure of dense plumes from a finite-height cylinder in laminar crossflow. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. In press for publication in Special Issue on Jets and Plumes.

Tootoonian, S., A.C. True, E. Stark, J.P. Crimaldi, and A. Schaeffer. (2024). Quantifying spectral information about source separation in multisource odour plumes. In press at PLOS One.

True, Aaron C., & Crimaldi, J. P. (2022). Distortion of passive scalar structure during suction-based plume sampling. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical367, 132018.

Crimaldi, J. P., True, A. C., Linden, K. G., Hernandez, M. T., Larson, L. T., & Pauls, A. K. (2022). Commercial toilets emit energetic and rapidly spreading aerosol plumes. Scientific Reports12(1), 20493.

Pratt, K. R., True, A., & Crimaldi, J. P. (2017). Turbulent clustering of initially well-mixed buoyant particles on a free-surface by Lagrangian coherent structures. Physics of Fluids29(7).

Odor Landscapes & Olfactory Navigation

Ouyang, B., True, A. C., Crimaldi, J. P., & Ermentrout, B. (2024). Simple olfactory navigation in air and water. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 111941.

Gumaste, A., Baker, K. L., Izydorczak, M., True, A. C., Vasan, G., Crimaldi, J. P., & Verhagen, J. (2024). Behavioral discrimination and olfactory bulb encoding of odor plume intermittency. Elife13, e85303.

Crimaldi, J., Lei, H., Schaefer, A., Schmuker, M., Smith, B. H., True, A. C., … Victor, J. D. (2022). Active sensing in a dynamic olfactory world. Journal of Computational Neuroscience50(1), 1–6.

Biophysical Interactions

True, Aaron C., Webster, D. R., Weissburg, M. J., & Yen, J. (2020). Persistent Hydrodynamic Cues Elicit Orientation-Specific Behavioral Sensitivities and Kinematic Responses in Dispersed Crab Larvae. Frontiers in Marine Science7, 603.

True, A. C., Webster, D. R., Weissburg, M. J., & Yen, J. (2018). Copepod avoidance of thin chemical layers of harmful algal compounds. Limnology and Oceanography63(3), 1041–1055.

True, A. C., Webster, D. R., Weissburg, M. J., Yen, J., & Genin, A. (2015). Patchiness and depth-keeping of copepods in response to simulated frontal flows. Marine Ecology Progress Series539, 65–76.

Woodson, C. B., Webster, D. R., True, A. C., & Seuront, L. (2014). Copepod behavior: oceanographic cues, distributions and trophic interactions. Copepods: Diversity, Habitat and Behavior, 215–253.

Biological & Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Connor, E. G., True, A. C., & Crimaldi, J. P. (2020). Dynamics of an idealized respiratory-type flow: Tidal exchange across intermediate Reynolds numbers. Physical Review Fluids5(9), 093103.

True, Aaron C., & Crimaldi, J. P. (2019). High dynamic range particle image velocimetry analysis of viscous inhalant flows. Physics of Fluids31(10).

True, Aaron C., & Crimaldi, J. P. (2017). Hydrodynamics of viscous inhalant flows. Physical Review E95(5), 053107.

Woodson, C. B., Barth, J. A., Cheriton, O. M., McManus, M. A., Ryan, J. P., Washburn, L., … A.C. True. (2011). Observations of internal wave packets propagating along-shelf in northern Monterey Bay. Geophysical Research Letters38(1).